Create New Content For Your Business

Answer those FAQ’s you get asked.

A very popular question I get asked a lot is usually some form of how to create content or not knowing what to post on social media, what to email, what to blog about, etc. If you struggle with this you are in for a treat because I’ve got a marketing tip that anyone can execute pretty quickly.

I’m not going to beat around the bush. Here goes -a simple way to create content for your business is to simply answer those frequently asked questions you get from clients and prospective clients. Seriously. Think about what you get asked all of the time.

Inevitably I get someone that says they don’t get questions or possibly you are just starting out and don’t have clients yet. That is okay. I’ll let you in on a little secret.

Here is my secret – if you don’t have frequently asked questions yet you can just make it up. Ha, hope you weren’t looking for something more complicated than that. Seriously, just think about questions you think your ideal client would have or something you think your ideal client needs to know to make it easier to buy your product or service and create content around that.

Alright, so I have told you to answer those FAQ’s you get [or make up FAQ’s if you don’t have any] but now I want to share a few simple ways to actually answer those questions.

  • Choose a picture that is relevant to your topic and post it on social media along with the text you write answering the question.
  • Use your phone and create a video of you answering your FAQ and post to social media.
  • If you have an email list you can send an email that includes text and a picture or that video you created.
  • If you have a blog you can create a blog post answering the question. Don’t forget to add a picture.

I don’t know about you but I love getting examples so I want to share one with you. My parents own a vacation rental home on the beach in Florida. Of course they post photos of the actual home but a random question they get asked often is about the seashells. Who would have thunk it? So, my parents take pictures and videos of the shells they find and post them on their social media channels.

I’d love to know if this tip was helpful or if you are still stuck. Leave a comment or send me an email with your questions.